Elementary Session One - The Call to Adventure Quest 2022

The first session of every year is one that is wondrous! As we navigate the beginning of a new year we have opportunities to strengthen new and old habits, relationships, and answer a brand new call to adventure.

On the Hero's Journey, the Call to Adventure is the moment when a hero is called to a life challenge. When the Hero answers that call, the journey begins. Every year, the Call to Adventure looks a little different, both for Eagles working from home and in-studio. Our first quest, The Call to Adventure, will focus on the allies and helpers along the way, the mentors who help support, and the ways we can build helpful habits and skills to last a lifetime. 

Per Acton tradition, Eagles are putting their big-picture thinking, project management skills, and team building into practice by planning and organizing a Lip Dub (plus, it's lots of fun)! The Lip Dub is a full-length music video, with a well-known song "dubbed over." Eagles are responsible for 100% of the process. They plan choreography, filming, editing & publishing.

The Eagles are also creating new student contracts and rules of engagement this session. The Eagles have been able to have many productive conversations about what rules need to be put into place and why they are important for their studio environment. 

For the exhibition in October, we will be presenting a gallery of "Hero's Handbooks" and screening the Lip Dub that will exhibit Eagle's work and self-reflection from this session. We are so honored you've trusted and chosen Acton Academy West for your young heroes. We know this will be our best year yet! 
Here's to a healthy and wonderful new school year! 

AAWest Elementary Guides

Ashley & Kelsey