Session 6- Elementary Cartography Quest -2022

It's hard to believe that Session 6 is already here! The ES Eagles have been working hard all year. Continuing the theme of quests that encourage Eagles to explore the world and their place in it, we will be focusing on Cartography this session. 

The Cartography Quest focuses on maps and map-making rather than simply navigation. This exciting topic incorporates art, creativity, math, and technology, from creative and hand-drawn maps to mapping software and programs. The session started by exploring the history of maps and the many different forms maps can take. Eagles will explore the basics features of maps, learn how to read maps, and get multiple opportunities to create their own maps.

If you're coming to the exhibition, brush off your map-reading skills because the Eagles will be using their format of choice to send you on some treasure hunts. 

In other exciting news, the ES earned Spirit Week for the first time this year. At the beginning of the year, they decided that to get Spirit Week, every Eagle needed to earn the badge for a specific quest. This was achieved the first day back from break, so they are in the process of planning out a fun week of themed days. See email about the upcoming celebration.