Middle School Session One - Community Building and Becoming a Conversationalist Quest (2023)

1st half of of this quest: Team Building, Lip Dub, Contract Creation

The Eagles spent the first few weeks practicing team building exercises, including their lip dub music video, and creating their Student Contract and Rules of Engagement Contract, as well as setting themselves up for success for the school year through Journey Tracker and our core skills programs. 

2nd half of this Quest: Becoming a Conversationalist 

The art of conversation is an important skill - making it easier to try new activities, meet new people, make new friends, and help put others at ease. Deep conversation and sharing, moves heroes from self centeredness --  believing that; this quest is all about each individual’s personal path to become a servant leader, who finds completion not through competition and winning, but by serving others in relationship and community, on the great journey of life.

During this quest the Eagles will examine the tools and traits of what it means to create and hold a great conversation as well as practice the skill of networking.

The exhibition will have each Eagle conduct several conversation with a parent who they are not familiar with in a networking convention style set up. They will then be given feedback in the form of a rating on their conversation skills. The highest rated conversationalists will win. 

For Writer’s Workshop, our Middle Schoolers are learning the art of interviewing. This will coincide with their conversationalist quest with the intention of learning more about a heroic figure in their lives. They will research and reach out to several heroic figures in order to schedule an interview. Using prewritten questions they will conduct the interview, take notes, then use that interview to write a reflective summary of said heroic figure in order to use what they have learned as guiding light throughout their heroes journey.

Acton Academy West MS Guides - Joey & Tyler