Writer's Workshop & Genius Hour ~ Session 2 *weeks 6-8

We hope everyone had a wonderful week together during Thanksgiving. For these three school weeks remaining before our holiday break, level 2-5 students will be wrapping up their first writer's workshop of the year. This workshop focused on informational writing. So far, students have worked through prewriting and drafting. Next week, they will revise and edit. The final informational essays will be published for your viewing during the exhibition next Friday! 

For these next three weeks, we are also implementing something called Genius Hour during afternoon project time. In lieu of a full length quest, students have the opportunity to pursue a project that they are passionate about. The only requirements are that they come up with a "driving question" that cannot easily be answered with a simple online search and that they come up with a product to show off what they have learned. Here is a video on the origins of Genius Hour.

Acton Academy West Guides ~ Catherine and Sara

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